Saturday, November 13, 2010

What do you think about work in China?

During the weeks later the famous meeting I received request for my Curriculum Vitae in english language and after some days I received also the first official proposal: What do you think about work in China?
There's not any immediate response to these question but in some second I saw in front of me all the positive and negative aspects as my work experience, my salary and my carrier but also my friends, my family, my hometown and specially Giulia!
Honestly I tried to give a answer that couldn't bind me for future but in effect I never listened this question again.
Was december and Giulia was just graduated!

Only one more story before my departure..
It's about a phone call received on a friday morning, one of the so called "Ansaldo casual fridays". Was a guy speaking in english that want talk with me for a few minuets but not for a work issue.
The time indicated me that he wasn't call from the USA so probably from China??
Yes, that's right! He was calling me to test my english and in effect we didn't talk about work issue but sooner we started to talk about an italian rice recipe, about the pope's travelling and about the whether in my country. Don't ask me the next argument because he increased the level passing the minutes and the last question for me is a secret also now.
However since that day I have a nice picture of the zafferano rice on my desk provided kindly by my colleagues..

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