Tuesday, December 14, 2010

干杯! Cheers!

Concert , Disco, pub or festival doesn’t matter what it’s important is to drink!
Drink a lot and quickly is a priority inside these crowded places..
And believe me those place can be very crowded!!

So in less than one hour any place become more livable because many guys already drunk goes to home early..
I’m been at Banana Club, in Beijing, at the M2 and Paulaner at Shanghai, at the International Beer Festival in Qindgao or to the classic Irish in Hong Kong and the story is always the same.
So bring a lot of patience with you and you can enjoy all the nights, also in China!
And what about Chinese guys.. If you like feel as a movies star is perfect! Prepare of yourself to make a lot of pictures with them and touch glasses with everybody..
... for my opinion is really funny!

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