Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Hany and the clock!

It was the June 3th. my first working day in Sanmen!
Meet bosses, meet colleagues, check office building and check the accommodation located at the Paul Palace hotel that was going to became my house for the next months.

First question: what kind of reasons for this hotel in Sanmen? I'm still waiting an answer now.. The hotel is beautiful and very big but it have a really bad kitchen!
Please, don't try western food unless the breakfast.

Second and third questions: What hell are you doing here In Sanmen? Why hell did you answer Yes?

No more questions..

Since I arrived finally in Sanmen with my story, I'm going to publish post without keeping an temporal order.
Anyway, the first day I meet also Hany, who will became my mentor for my first 30 chinese days up to his escape from Sanmen.

About the Clock??
I will have time to explain you better everything..

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